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Artist of the Week IV – Quiz #2

January 12, 2020


Exceptional Artist of the Week IV Series logo by Sarca @ caughtmegaming

2020 Artists of the Week (so far):

The Cure


My thanks to all who have participated in the “Artist of the Week” quizzes so far.

Congrats to all those who correctly identified The Cure last week.

The results after 1 week (as of Thursday afternoon – results submitted after that time will be added to next week’s spreadsheet):


after week 1


Ready for Quiz #2?

Don’t believe the hype!


Quiz Rules/Format
(Same as last year, feel free to skip to the quiz if you know the rules already)

Your Task: Name the mystery Artist, ideally with as few clues as possible.

Correctly guess the artist on the first clue? 500 points.

After scrolling down to the second clue? 400 points.

Still don’t know after the fifth clue? 0 points, but a crisp high-five for participating.

I’ll use google translate to put the correct answer at the bottom in Arabic (if you read Arabic, that’s fantastic, but no cheating by reading ahead!) and you can translate it back to the language of your choice to confirm your answer.

In the comments, please enter your POINTS earned (not the artist name) and I’ll keep track of the running totals in a spreadsheet.

In addition to eternal bragging rights, the winner at the end of the year may even get something as prestigious as a digital certificate.

Here goes!


Artist of the Week #2
Record POINTS Earned (Not Artist Name) in the comments
(scroll down for additional clues)


500 points………………..Not an Elvis Presley fan? Neither was this hip hop group (formed in New York in 1985), who once observed, “Elvis was a hero to most, but he never meant (curse word) to me”






400 points……………….They have a trio of albums on the 1001 list: It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back (1988), Fear of a Black Planet (1990), and Apocalypse 91… The Enemy Strikes Black (1991)






300 points……………………The group, as collectible action figures:

23-Circle Venn Diagram (2)






200 points………………..Two word band name, the first is the opposite of ‘private’ and the second is the opposite of an ‘ally/friend’






100 points………………..The artist is P_______ E_______





Answer: تشاك د (the lead singer of the group – google translate had another tough week with the band name)

(Please post your points earned in the comments section)

Thanks for playing!


Verbalize the Positive

I quite like this group (especially their ’90/’91 albums) – though I fear that when I start singing them, I sound a bit like Carlton Banks!

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  1. Harrison permalink

    200 please. My 2020 points are starting to have a theme. I hope it ends soon

  2. 500. Got it from the bonus clue at the front!

  3. 400, I thought I knew it and then I knew I did.

  4. Got a letter form the government the other day. Opened it and read it said

  5. 400 Points Sir!
    I posted on my twitter a pic that ChuckD had posted with him and Rush at the Rock N Roll Awards. He had some really cool things to say about to Peart as well as ending with a “Rest In Beats My Man’

  6. Just 400. Who doesn’t like Elvis? Well, maybe these guys don’t like that he stole songs from African Americans. Ah well. I like these guys AND Elvis!

  7. 400 for me. I guess wrong on 500, then got it right at 400.

  8. 400😔. Though I wonder why it was difficult to translate back from Arabic. If you used Bengali or Hindi, I could have helped you out!

    • It’s funny what it can/can’t seem to translate – the closest I could find for ‘the cure’ was ‘treatment!’

      • Wish I could help. I might make sense of some of the words if they were in Roman script, but I can’t read it otherwise. Of all languages, why did you go for Arabic?
        In Hindi too, for ‘the cure’, you’d get just the word ‘ilaj’, which I guess would translate back to just the one word, like ‘treatment’.

      • I am not sure why i chose Arabic – perhaps because i admire the way it is written from right to left!

  9. 500 please. It’s a little known fact that I was briefly in this band as their ‘Minister for Wales’ at the very beginning of the 90’s. True story.

  10. 200 thanks to the word clue.

  11. Guessed it at 500, confirmed at 400.

  12. jprobichaud permalink

    500 for me. I really liked these guys back in the day and still appreciate their work. Don’t listen to them as much anymore though.

    • The ’90 & ’91 albums still make appearances in the rotation here from time to time – nice work!

  13. Zack permalink

    500 again. Of course, I had a feeling when I saw Don’t Believe the Hype.

  14. 500 for me! Yassss!

  15. It would take a nation of millions to stop me getting 500 points this week.

  16. I got a letter from the government the other, I opened it and read it, it said 500 points!

    • such a great opening line – and in this case, they must have wanted the points for a spreadsheet or whatever!

  17. Yay. 500 please. Got it from the opening bonus clue too 🙂

  18. Once again back is the incredible 500 each for me and Mika.

  19. Thanks for the high five! I’m back on track this week with a crisp 500 instead! Thank goodness for their connection to Anthrax.

  20. Oooh I own both their big records and they’re amazing. 500.

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